1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Paediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders
linkova 11.02.2025

Summer clerkship

Dear colleagues, the main reason of summer clerkship is your contact with regular/everyday paediatrics outside the tertiary hospital. We do prefer and kindly ask you to complete the summer clerkship in country of your origin (to see the different system of the Health care), with a preference for primary/secondary care hospitals/pGPs offices. We assume that there will be no problem with arranging the place.

In exceptional situations (for those students, who did not succeed to organize their clerkship in their country during the summer time), please contact us with an explanation and we will discuss how to proceed.

Thank you for understanding!

Summer clerkship - Syllabus download.  

Case report - Example download.

Summer clerkship - practical instructions for KPDPM


Dear Colleagues, short instructions for summer clerkship at Dpt. of Paediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders (KPDPM): Meeting on Monday first week of clerkship at 8:00, 3rd floor E3a building, in the front of elevators. Declaration of SARS-CoV-2 negativity/ vaccination should be demonstrated.

You should have the face mask- respirator FFP2, badge, white coat, hospital shoes, stethoscope.

Daily programme will be adapted according to number of students and to availability of patients and staff.

Designed is shadowing of young doctors/assistants, visiting in/outpatient clinics, procedures and rounds on daily basis.

Working hours are from 08:00 to 14:00.

At the end of the second week, confirmation from senior doctor/supervisor will be provided.



Summer clerkship - practical instructions for Department of Pediatrics, Thomayer University Hospital, Vídeňská 800, Praha 4


Dear Colleagues, short instructions for summer clerkship at Department of Pediatrics, Thomayer University Hospital, Vídeňská 800, Praha 4

Meeting on Monday first week of clerkship at 7.45 a.m., 2nd floor G2 building, “sekretariát”.

Declaration of SARS-CoV-2 negativity/ vaccination should be demonstrated.

You should have the face mask- respirator FFP2, badge, white coat, hospital shoes, stethoscope.

Daily programme will be adapted according to number of students and to availability of patients and staff.

Designed is shadowing of young doctors/assistants, visiting in/outpatient clinics, procedures and rounds on daily basis.

Working hours are from 07.45 to 14:00.

At the end of the second week, confirmation from senior doctor/supervisor will be provided.



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