1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Paediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders
linkova 11.02.2025


Organization of teaching and studies download

Attendance sheet download.


General medicine: 

Timetable January - February 2025 download. (updated 17.1.2025)

Seminar topics 2025 download.

Groups download

If you are interested in an internship in Hořovice, please contact: MD. Jiráček jiracek@nemocnice-horovice.cz or Mrs. Mošnová mosnova@nemocnice-horovice.

Paediatric Propedeutic Summer clerkship:

Syllabus - Pediatrics download

Case report example download


Paediatric Propedeutic:

The beginning of the teaching of the pediatric propaedeutics subject is always on Monday (or Tuesday in the case of a public holiday or rector's day) in the Simulations center, Albertov 5, Prague 2.

 Syllabus  24.2.-28.2.2025 download

 Groups download







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